Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

After School Club Registration Form

Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2000 and will be used to respond to your request. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Coordinator, Recreation 905-875-7252 ext.2613.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Part A: Participant Information

  • Please answer the following series of questions about each participant.  
  • Additional participants can be added at the end of the series of questions by choosing the blue "Add another participant" button.

Participant Number 1

Is extra support required for participation at school?
Does your child suffer from life-threatening allergies?
Does your child require any medications or epi pen?
Will your child sign him/herself out the the program? (Please note: Children must be 10 years of age or older to sign themselves out)


Part B: Program Information

Please check the option you need for After School Club

Before registration is complete, a valid credit card must be added on your family account, as payments will be processed monthly by credit card.

Have you added a valid credit card to your family account:
Do you want to receive the recreation e-newsletter?