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Municipal Closed Meeting Investigation Request Form


In accordance with
Section 239 of the Muncipal Act 2001 (as amended)


Submission will be forwarded to:

Amberley Gavel Ltd.
35 Ambleside Drive
London, ON N6G 4M3

To submit private or confidential investigation requests please contact

PLEASE NOTE: Personal information is collected under the authority of section 239 of the Municpal Act, 2001 (as amended) and will be used by the municipal investigator to carry out an investigation under the act. 


Contact Information

Meeting Information

Municipality:  Town of Milton
Contact Name: Troy McHarg, Town Clerk
Contact Phone: 905 878-7252

Complaint Information

Please provide as much information as is required to explain the nature and background of the particular occurrence, (i.e. Reason provided for closed meeting session; reason for complaint; municipal contact; municipal Explanation).

Also, detail any actions you may have taken to try to resolve the matter in the space provided below.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif